Why Warped:
If you are on this site, you probably know that warp is a weaving term. If you did not know that, and found me by accident, sorry to disappoint, but nothing on this site moves at warp speed.......
Warp: The threads on a loom over and under which another thread is passed to create cloth.
Warped: A twist or distortion to the shape or form of something
My Story
I am a fabric lover and have been making things for as long as I can remember. As a kid I would buy embroidery kits and make pillows, teddy bears, and little wall hangings. My mother and I would go to the local fabric store and buy yardage, I always had a project in mind, maybe 40% were ever completed.. Eventually I went on to get a degree in Textile Design, and began weaving. This is where Warped began.
I still love weaving, sewing and all things textile, but my work has changed over the years. Now much of my work is made out of old cloths, mostly denim. I take thrift store finds, rip them apart and turn them into something else. There is a beauty in taking something and repurposing it into something else. There is so much fabric, in perfect condition, that is being thrown away. I want to put it to good use.
This site is a work in progress. I have spent several years in a less the creative position, and am now trying to rebuild my portfolio. I will be hosting classes, and posting work as I finish. To get me started, I will be working on a Makers Monday Denim Challenge. Every Monday I will post an item that I made out of recycled demin, and ask that you do to.....
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. I can customize a creative event, or work on a commissioned piece.
Let's connect.